Strategic Approach to Leadership Development

I have had the pleasure and privilege of supporting a number of organisations over the years to develop and implement leadership programs.  I have also observed organisations burn vital but scarce capability development budget dollars because they did not know how to take a strategic approach to this vital work...

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Change Management: Creating Accountability

Why do we initiate projects in organisations?  It is to achieve an enhanced performance of one or more of many organisational outcomes. These can include profit, cost, safety, staff engagement, customer experience, organisational (brand) reputation, compliance etc.  These projects can and do go very well, yet studies continue to show projects under deliver more than half the time.  A lack of effective change management is often attributed to the reason for this underachievement. 

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Performance Management

An effective performance management process is integral to maintaining and enhancing employee engagement.  It provides clarity on role and priorities, creates opportunities for communication between employees and their managers, ensures professional and career development opportunities are enunciated and implemented and employees receive feedback on how their manager views their performance.  All are significant to employee engagement.  But how do you ensure managers are applying the process effectively?

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